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Playground Cleaning

Playground Cleaning

The hygiene of play areas is often neglected for months. This means that common infections can easily be transmitted in play areas, which is of course potentially damaging to children’s health. 

Like any surface, play areas can also become infected with unpleasant looking organic growths. Dogs, birds, spills, as well as traffic, weather, and heavy footfall, all contribute to playgrounds needing a good clean every now and then.

At Osprey we specialise in playground sanitation. We inspect for damage which can in itself pose risks, and then cleanse the play apparatus, as well as the floor areas where appropriate. While we thoroughly clean the surfaces of play areas to make them look clean, it is our Osprey softwash detergent that makes the real difference, eliminating infections and deterring their recurrence. Our anti-bacterial solutions are incredibly mild, and effective. Once we have applied our bio-degradeable chemical we perform a series of rinses with pure water to eliminate any lingering softwash detergent, and leave the play areas safe for children.

Concrete and hard surfaced areas, or wooden apparatus, will also get designated softwash treatment as required.

We will sanitise play areas at the time that suits, usually early in the morning or late at night so as to not disturb normal usage.
Osprey take pride in cleaning playgrounds, for all children to enjoy at diminished risk.

Please feel free to give us a call, we are always happy to discuss your requirements and offer advice:


Tel: 01422 201763

Mob: 07766 556521