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Render Cleaning

Weather, pollution and the environment can cause significant damage to the render on your building. Moss growth, algae and pollution can cause serious damage if left untreated.

New buildings are certainly impressive but over time rendering becomes dull and pollutants, moss and algae take over, leaving the building looking stained, tired and worse for wear

If not cleaned regularly to the colour of render will appear to fade. This is because render is likely to become infected with algae, mosses, and lichens that stain and ruin the appearance of a home or commercial building. Softwashing is a safe and eco friendly way of removing organic matter and atmospheric pollution from exterior render. Finished coloured renders like K-Rend, Moncouche and Weber suffer with algae, bacteria and mildew staining. Weather and pollution can also lead to staining and discolouration.

Softwashing uses gentle, pH neutral detergent blends to kill the infection at root, and our low pressure tank system cleanses and replenishes render, restoring it to its natural finish and colour for years to come, without causing damage. The newly painted look of a clean render that has been softwashed lasts for three times longer than render cleaned by alternative methods.

Please feel free to give us a call, we are always happy to discuss your requirements and offer advice:


Tel: 01422 201763

Mob: 07766 556521