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Signage Cleaning

Clean signs are essential for branding and for getting your business noticed in a competitive world where impressions matter. Clean signs are also vital for road safety.

Osprey can clean commercial signs of all types, including advertising hoardings and canopies.

A sign can be made dirty by a number of factors, both organic and non-organic, depending on their location. Algae growing on signs, traffic fumes, dust, graffiti, and bird fouling can all contribute to a sign becoming illegible. While in most instances a high pressure wash will not damage signs, softwashing is often the better option because the results usually last three times longer, We can take our Osprey Softwash system and our bio-degradable range of chemicals and water supply to even remote locations.

At Osprey, we usually find that we are called on initially to clean signs once crisis point has been reached, due to legibility becoming a major issue. Before your signage gets to this point we would advise periodic maintenance & cleaning.

Please feel free to give us a call, we are always happy to discuss your requirements and offer advice:


Tel: 01422 201763

Mob: 07766 556521